Spinach-Arugula-Walnut Pesto

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Spinach-Arugula-Walnut Pesto over Whole-Wheat Penne

Smart Selection, Storage & Prep

  1.  Whole-wheat penne is readily available in the pasta aisle in 8-, 12- or 16-ounce boxes or packages.
  2. Not keen on 100% whole grain pasta yet? Start with the 50% white/50% whole-grain versions.
  3. Finely grated cheese, rather than shredded, creates a more desirable texture in homemade pesto.
  4. Arugula can be found in either plastic bags or small plastic rectangular containers near other lettuce and mixed greens.
  5. Don’t leave out the crushed red pepper! It adds an extra dimension to the earthy-flavored pesto.
  6. Toasting the nuts brings out more of their flavors. Read: 3 ways to toast walnuts

Nutritional Benefits

  1. Spinach’s phytonutrients include lutein and zeaxanthin, which offer numerous eye health benefits.
  2. Arugula is an extremely low-calorie yet nutrient-rich green. Three cups contain only 20 calories and provide outstanding folate plus vitamins A, C and K, along with calcium, magnesium and manganese to support bone health.
  3. Walnuts are the only nut that are a significant source of the plant-based, heart-healthy omega-3 fats.
  4. All nuts, with their satisfying combination of heart-healthy fats and protein, may help with weight maintenance or weight loss efforts.
  5. Whole-wheat pasta is filled with more nutrients than white refined pasta. Whole grains have been found to reduce risk of stroke, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Plus, they may help with weight loss efforts and overall weight maintenance.

[Recipe: Spinach-Arugula-Walnut Pesto]


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